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Julie Duguay, Osteopath
Osteopathy is a manual approach that seeks to eliminate the causes of pain and physical discomfort. With their hands, the osteopath assesses the structures losing mobility or vitality which are harmful to the patient's health. Through gentle mobilizations of the musculoskeletal, visceral and cranial structures, the osteopath aims to restore optimal biodynamic functioning, in order to allow the body to express its full “Health” potential. The osteopath will be consulted for muscular, ligamentous and joint pain as well as for digestive, respiratory, circulatory or immune disorders, as well as cranial disorders, vertigo, dizziness, migraines, TMJ (jaw) pain, tinnitus. ,ear infections, anxiety, etc.
Julie Duguay D.O., RCST® completed her studies at the Sherbrooke osteopathy college in June 2022 and is a member of the Association of Osteopaths of New Brunswick (AONB). She is also a certified member of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Institute of Montreal and the BCTA/NA.
Julie completed her studies in osteopathy (4200 hours) at the College of Osteopathy of Sherbrooke in June 2022. Her dissertation addresses the impact of osteopathy on the neuroendocrine system with the aim of healing and/or preventing injuries in professional dancers. She is also certified in Biodynamic Craniosacral Biodynamics (700h) at the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Institute in Montreal. Julie's practice is nourished by her professional career as a performer and choreographer in contemporary dance for more than twenty years. It draws inspiration from a diversity of somatic approaches such as Laban/Bartenieff movement analysis, Body Mind Centering® as well as stilt walking.
Julie is fascinated by the embryological forces that create life and guide health in the adult body. She is particularly interested in anxiety disorders, depression and burnout and the impact of these states on the physical body. Her expertise in somatic education allows her to have an osteopathic practice that addresses the psychosomatic system, that is to say the impact of emotions and traumas which permeate the body and thus slow down the vitality of biodynamic forces. Julie believes that each stage of a child's development, from the embryo to the adult body, is directly linked to the balance and health of the body. She therefore specializes in obstetric and pediatric osteopathy and psychosomatic disorders.
Treatments will be offered on Mondays and Fridays.
Spaces are extremely limited. Please send reach out to book your appointment.
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